

We’re still in a league of our own and charting our own course. 


Early on I made a worst-case scenario prediction that the total deaths for the United States could reach 250,000.  I didn’t really think it would get that bad, that’s just what a quick extrapolation suggested could happen if we didn’t take this pandemic seriously.  For months, that looked like an overestimate.  Then summertime, holidays, and get-togethers happened.  Now we’re approaching 400,000 dead and I’m not making projections anymore.  This graph suggests that the other two countries even on the same scale as us, India and Brazil, are more capable of dealing with the problem as a united nation than we are.


On a personal note, if all goes as planned, Judy and I will get our first dose of the vaccine tomorrow.  We don’t even know which of the vaccines it is, we’ll take it and follow their guidance about how and when to get the second dose.


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