We drove through a little of Vermont, mostly Massachusetts, then a little bit of New York. We’re all set up at the Copake KOA outside of Copake, NY. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201563872774147443355.0004e02f0c80f1461c0bf&msa=0&ll=43.133061,-71.51001&spn=5.411189,13.392334 We’re in a clearing. This is the first time our satellite dish has seen the sky in a week. Now that we’re away from all the big cities, the entire Northeast seems like one big forest. In the West, there are forests with other things in-between, but not here. Rolling hills, winding roads, lakes and streams. We see the signs as we criss-cross the Appalachian Trail. We drove through, and are camped in, the Berkshires. We’ll be here for at least 5 days. Henry joins us by the fire on his new lounger. Tomorrow, we take Annie to meet her birth-kennel! Mulberry Farm Kennel. http://www.mulberryfarm.com/ We’ve kept in touch with the breeder all this time. We send pictures, but this will be the first reunion.