Mustang Island State Park


While we were there, I was looking at these switch boxes and transformers for the campground.


They’re mounted well up off the ground; on top of sturdy concrete to protect them from hurricanes and flooding.  That looks smart.


But I’m wondering about the amount of electrical power that must go through them.  How does that work?  This is the only wire I can find going in or out of the switch boxes and transformers.  You can see the conduit for it in the photo above.


I know the electrical system works because we stayed there in the campground hooked into 50 amp shore power.  The park was full, and everything worked just fine for everyone, but that doesn’t look like a wire that’s going to carry the load for fifty camping spaces.  What am I missing?  Is the real power flow buried underground and this is just enough power coming up to run some switches?  Are those big boxes behind the switchboxes not transformers?


If only we knew someone who understood electricity…



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