Number 401


Decided which bird should be number 401 for the year.  Wood Stork.


Went to our can’t-miss wood stork spot here in the Valley yesterday.  Only 45 minutes away.  Tiocano Lake.  (It probably sounds familiar because that’s where we go to hear the King Rail in the middle of the night.)  Spent an hour there in the middle of the day.  Recorded 22 species of birds.  Not a single wood stork.  Here is what it would look like if we could see one.

(Not my photo.)


Here is what I think.  I know they’re there.  Maybe they go out to forage during the day and just come home in the evening to roost.  I checked, and the last people to report the wood storks were there for the King Rail, so it was right at dusk.  That’s our plan for next time.  Arrive before sunset and watch for them roosting or flying in.


Late breaking update.  Went there tonight at sunset.  Just as it was getting too dark to see, 40 of them flew right in over our heads!


Wood Stork.  Number 401.


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