Oh yeah

 George Bush.  I couldn’t think of anything George Bush did.  Well, there *was* that Iraq thing.  That’s what happened while George Bush was president.  I knew there was something…… We’re all tired of the gridlock.  We want something to happen.  The problem is, some of us would like the democrats to be successful and accomplish everything they’d like to do.  Others of us would like the republicans to be successful and accomplish everything they’d like to do.  We all want the same thing, we want an end to gridlock; we just each want it our own way. So if gridlock were to suddenly break loose, still about half the population would be delighted and half would be pissed off, either way it went.  But gridlock is not likely to let up any time soon.  Even when both parties want the same thing, neither wants the other party to get credit for it.  If we continue with divided government; the house and senate blocking the president; even bipartisan bills get voted down unanimously by the party in power, even if everyone agrees that it’s a good idea.  Maybe if they stall long enough, they can get the job done when it’s their guy in power and be the ones to get the credit. When we get to this point, we not only have gridlock on any new ideas, we can’t even pass the day-to-day stuff our government needs to do its job.  (I’m such a socialist, I think government *has* a job and should do it.) This is the point where I would suggest a solution if I had one…  

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