One more thing

  The carpet is wet.  We have a leak.  But it’s not a leak in a place where we have ever had a leak before.  Come to think of it, we haven’t had any rain either.   The carpet is wet next to the refrigerator.  We have an ice maker in the refrigerator.  The plot thickens.  I go outside and pull off the outside panel revealing a portion of the rear of the refrigerator.  Lots of stuff.  I find a tube and follow it, looking for a shut-off.  I find a shut-off, but soon figure out that I just shut off the propane to the refrigerator.  I find more tubes to follow that really are water tubes.  No shut-off.  I look at the water manifold in the utility cabinet.  There are shut-offs for every single water outlet in the coach…..except the ice-maker.  We got out the owner’s manual for the refrigerator.  It says if there is a problem with the ice-maker, shut off the water source.  Okay.   A little light glimmers in my head.  Not a flash of light, but a little tiny glow way deep; from five years ago (five light years?).  When we took delivery of the coach, there was a walk-though.  A trained technician gave us a tour of every feature of the coach.  The morning was devoted to the outside.  The afternoon covered the inside.  I remember some of the morning session.  By the afternoon session I was numb.  There was something in the morning session about a secret compartment; a compartment with controls in it in a place where you wouldn’t think to look.  Something between the exterior refrigerator panel and the utility cabinet.  I took a look.  There was a cover on one wall of the slide out drawer cabinet, behind the slide out drawer.  I went around to the passenger side of the coach and pulled the storage drawer out that side.  I went back to the driver’s side and pulled the now exposed panel cover off the wall.  There.  The water pump motor, a water filter for the ice maker (We didn’t even remember our ice maker had a water filter hidden away.  Must be time to change it!), and a water line valve, clearly labeled “Ice Maker Shutoff”.  Mission accomplished.  In this climate, the carpet dried in a day.   We didn’t actually fix anything, but we did manage to stop the bleeding until we can get to someone who does know how to fix the problem.  We’ll just have to make-do with a limited ice supply until then.    

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