One of the really cool things about being on the road

 …is the opportunity to meet-up with old friends along the way.  These are not friends from Phoenix, they’re from other places, but we stay in touch, and when our paths cross, we take advantage of the opportunity. With Judy Hammer for lunch. Then Rick and Sherrie, Bear and Shortie, and James and Carolyn for dinner. This picture of the first six  was really easy, until we figured out that Bear was off tending the grill. Once we got him there too, the pictures looked more like this.I think maybe the selfie-limit, given my arm-length, is five. When James and Carolyn arrived, the only hope was to shoot us all at the table.  Happy vernal equinox.  Phoenix celebrated by posting its third straight day of record heat.  96 degrees; that’s spring in the desert. 

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