The warm before the storm

Ninety degrees and calm today, but the weather is going to hit tomorrow.  A high in the fifties and windy, if you can imagine.  For one day.

Color on the dining room counter.

Hardware going back on the cabinets.

The bathroom linen closet has doors again.

Judy went in and out the back door and did a load of laundry, a first since they took out the washer and dryer then got them back in again.

Evening light.

Well maybe

Well maybe yesterday’s hot dogs aren’t the closest food to our normal home cooking.  Even though the teriyaki chicken rice bowls loaded with veggies were cooked by someone else, that’s closer to how we normally eat.

The new medicine cabinet for the bathroom arrived today.  The old one sucks.

The cabinet is made out of metal and the inside of the doors have sharp edges and corners.  It has tried to kill Judy and me both (by bleeding out from our arms), in separate incidents.

The new one is wood, but you can’t tell yet.

We changed a couple paint colors before the painter got to them.  We were going to paint the wood countertop in the dining room the cream color same as the bathroom linen closet.  Now, with the color in front of us, it doesn’t look right for the dining room, so we switched back to a rich leather brown we had picked out before.  That should match up better with the dark gray countertop on the kitchen cabinets.

The microwave arrived today.

As the world churns

The neighborhood Kansas City flag is still up, but now it’s at half-mast.

The cheerleader didn’t fare even that well.

The front room and the deck at our house still look like this.

But the wall mount for the television set is in, and the path has been set to route the wires down the wall to the floor.  The wall mount is that wide picture frame looking thing on the wall.

The television on the wall will be much better than how it has been on the cabinet; less intrusive.

The linen closet cabinet has been painted its color.

Judy picked out the backsplash for the kitchen counter.

And with minimal cooking facilities at the casita, we’ve been hitting TV dinners and Teriyaki Madness take-out pretty hard.  This is the closest we’ve come to a homemade dinner lately.  Hot dogs!  With bread for buns.

In the meantime

Superbowl weekend!

We had to move a few things around and find enough wires to get the TV and satellite box plugged back in and working, but we got that, and two chairs dusted off for the big game.

Didn’t miss a single commercial.


It has begun.

…and on the other side of the plastic barrier.

Every cabinet has been primed.

The final coat goes on Monday.