
 We’ve overcome a fundamental law of physics.  We called a guy out to look at our Hydrohot system in the bus.  Hydrohot is the thing that provides all the heat and hot water.  It had been misbehaving intermittently, which, according to a fundamental law of physics, is an absolute guarantee that it won’t misbehave while the repairman is present. After taking everything apart, cleaning and realigning, and putting it back together, he declared that there wasn’t really anything wrong to fix, it probably just needed the maintenance he just performed.  As he was walking away though, Hydrohot made an inappropriate sound which provided enough information to send him in a particular direction and he ended up determining that there was a photosensor that needed replacing.  All the hot water and hot air we’ve needed since.  (We don’t really need hot water and hot air in the bus right now because we’re in the house, but it’s nice to know it’ll be there when next we need it.) My conclusion?  We just beat physics! 

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