Tuesday. The interstate opened last night after dark when the wind laid down, but it’s already closed again this morning. We can stay put and wait out the wind, or we can do something. It’s a big drive-around, but we can still get to where we want to be. We were 95 miles from our destination, but our path was blocked. We drove south on Highway 191 to Willcox and fueled up. There was an interesting puller and trailer next to us at the fuel stop.
They had a load of horses and a heifer. We continued south on Highway 191 through Cochise, Sunsites, Sunizona, Efrida, and McNeal. We turned left just as we got to the Mexican Border at Douglas on Highway 90, and drove back up to the north through Apache and Rodeo, and here we are; Rusty’s RV Ranch! One of our favorite places. It just took another 175 miles today to get here. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1XYsAPbRQNrLQGGU8N54Xezsw54E&ll=32.017833025052084%2C-108.93821790273438&z=8
The sites are back-to-back, but they’re a hundred feet long and about that far between them too. Saw Gambel’s Quail.