Port Mansfield


Lazy dog days of summer.  A driveabout to Port Mansfield.  It’s only an hour away.


Route to Port Mansfield


There isn’t really any reason to be in Port Mansfield unless you’re going fishing (which we weren’t). 


Port Mansfield


It’s right on the Laguna Madre for shallow water fishing.  It’s also directly in line with the dredged channel, Mansfield Pass through Padre Island.


Mansfield Pass


Going through Mansfield Pass opens up the entire Gulf of Mexico for deep water fishing.


Pelican Cove Bar and Grill for Black Drum at lunch.


OMG good.


A stop at the new fishing pier


…and waterside trails.



A drive through town to locate the white-tailed deer that are always here somewhere.






And that pretty much wraps it up!


An excellent day.


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