2nd man to run over 200 was Larry Hill in a boat called "Mr Ed". It was in Sept of 1971, at the "Beach", in a Charger hydro owned by Ed Wills. Engine was also built by Ron White. Larrys speed was 202.46 @ 7.83.
3rd man was the "SHOE", Larry Swabenland driving the factory fueler for Sanger Boats. Bob McIntyre 426 hemi did the trick. Larry ran a 205.01 @ 6.83 at Oakland marine stadium. The date….Sept 10th, 1972.
4th man was Mac Christensen driving the Hondo factory boat "SHOCKWAVE". Owned by Peggy Brendel. Dan Olson 426 for power, Mac ran a speed of 202.46 @ 6.83. Again it was done at the "Beach" on Sept 30, 1973
5th was the "GODFATHER", Dennis Pollacia. Driving for Don McCormick out of Okiehoma City. The boat was named "OUT-A-SIGHT". Dennis set the APBA record at 200mph @ 6.80. Quickest et to date. Keith Black power. The date was June 2nd, 1974.
6th was the great Gary Scow. Driving for Harold Kindsvater, another fueler running Bob McIntire power. The boat was called "The Beast". Gary ran a speed of 201.56 @ 6.91et. Date was June 16th, 1974 @ the beach. The following year Gary ran 4 straight passes over 200mph. The 1st driver/ boat to do so. Later on Gary suffered a very serious crash in this boat. It happened at the Beach. Gary was dead when they pulled him out of the water. They revived him, & one year later, Gary was lifted into a fueler named "RATS FUELER" at the nationals @ the Beach, where he promptly laid down a beautiful pass to put him in the show. Gary was back…. There are other stories about Scow’s friendship with Gary Gabelich who drove a rocket car, the Blue Flame, 650 mph at Bonneville Salt Flats, and held the land speed record for years, and a few more about his exploits as a boat driver. He must have been a fixture on that Southern California drag racing and drag boats scene for years. Bakersfield, August 1974.Drag boat driver critically injured LONG BEACH. Calif. (API — Drag boat driver Gary Scow of Long Beach was hospitalized in critical condition Saturday after his blown fuel hydro exploded following a qualifying run in the national drag boat championships. Scow had crossed the finish line with the top qualifying time of 184.80 when his boat lifted into the air and exploded. He came down amid the wreckage and suffered a broken leg. punctured lung.. inierr.al injuries, sources said He was taken to Long Beach Community Hospital where he was placed in intensive care, a hospital spokesman said. Two world records were set as drivers completed the second day of qualifying for Sunday’s finals Boh Dice of Granada Hills roared 14108 miles an hour in War Kagle. breaking the record for unblown fuel flat- botioms. The old record of 139.10 was set this year by Malt Bartii of Redondo Beach. Calif. Mary Kite of Mission V’iejo. <‘alif.. set a women’s record of 172 24 for blown fuel hydros in her Proud Mary. She broke her own record of 165.0 set earlier this year. (Ian.- Gabelich. holder of the world land speed record of 622 miles an hour, qualified for the finals in the blown fuel hydros with a time of 169.80. Jockey still serious, after Saratoga fall SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y. i APi — Angel Santiago, injured in a fall from Impassioned during Thursday’s ninth race at Saratoga, was reported still unconscious and in serious condition Friday. Santiago, who is suffering from a cerebral concussion, was transferred from Saratoga Hospital to Ellis Hospital in Schenectady. NY. qhr Sakrrgfirlft (Xaltfornian Sunday, Aug. 18.1974 Long Beach, 1974.LONG BEACH – Only three men have ever exceeded 200 miles per hour in drag boat racing competition and three of them will be on hand for the 11th annual National Championships at Long Beach Marine Stadium, August 16-18. Larry Hill of Fresno established the world’s record in Mr. Ed at 202.46 mph during the 1971 National Championships. Gary Scow of Long Beach, made for near-perfect runs last June at the Ray Caselli Classic, four times surpassing 199 mph with a top time of 201.56 Dennis (Godfather) Pollaocia of Redondo Beach, drove Out A Sight to a 201.34 clocking at Oakland in June. All three will be at the Nationals. The other three 200-plus drivers are Larry Schwabenland, 201.66 mph, Mac Christensen, 202.46 mph and Gary Gabelich, 200.44 mph. Schwabenland was badly injured in a crash at Oakland last year and is in temporary retirement. Christensen was killed during practice runs in Shock Wave, June 30. at Oakland and Gabelich is now concentrating on land-speed records after suffering near fatal accidents. Both Scow and Pollaccia have been working feverishly to be ready for the Nationals. Scow’s boat The Beast sank in the Mississippi River during a race at St Louis after he shot up in the air at the break and landed hard on a sponson. The boat was retrieved by owner Harold Kindsvater and is expected to run hard at the Nationals. Qualifying starts Friday, Aug. 16 at 10 a.m. and continues the next day at 10 a.m. Sunday’s finals, featuring the top eight boats, starts at noon Long Beach, 1974.Drag boat crown taken by Mr. Ed LONG BEACH. Calif. (AP) — The blown fuel hydro Mr. Ed continues to dominate drag boat racing even the record- setting racer has a new driver. The boat, owned by Ed Wills of Fresno, Calif., had little trouble winning the 11th annual National Drag Boat championships Sunday at Long Beach Marine Stadium with Frank Dade of Detroit making his first competition appearance as its driver. Dade defeated John Burrows of Reno, Nev. with a speed of 183 66 miles an hour, fastest time of the day but nearly 20 miles an hour off the standing start quarter-mile speed record held by the boat. World land speed record holder Gary Gabelich, racing for the first time since a serious drag racing accident two years ago, was disqualified for jumping the start in bis race with Burrows. Driver Gary Scow of Long Beach, listed in critical condition for a time after his boat flipped at more than 180 miles an hour Saturday, was reported "progressing very well" and in satisfactory condition Sunday at Long Beach Community Hospital. Another driver. Bob Fulg- bam of La Mirada, Calif., whose boat flipped at around 140, was thrown clear in an accident Sunday. He was listed in satisfactory condition after being hospitalized for observation. All these reports of Gary Scow and others. Reports of crashes and injuries for Gary. Reports of how some of the others died. No more speed or medical reports for Gary since 1974 though. No reports of Gary’s demise, so maybe he’s still out there. Maybe he hung around the Long Beach racing scene the rest of his life (He would be in his seventies, like me, now.) Maybe he abandoned racing and headed off for a quiet retirement in Salem, Oregon. Who knows?
I worked with GS when I got out of the Navy on 1983 at Parker Az. He ran the backhoe and I drove the dump truck for
Golden State Backhoe. We worked for my brother,Gary Finucan. I ran into GS
A few years later in Calif and he asked me if I wanted to run a hoe, Monte Collins
Backhoe hired me 32 years ago, thank you very much Mr Scow. Your a good man
That lived an incredible life, thinking of you.
Thank you, Jeff. I last saw Gary as a teenager. I’d be interested in anything more you had to tell me about him.