Remote roofing


We got an unsolicited email promoting a “Remote Roofing Digital Experience”.  It caught my eye, because it was funny.  I don’t think a roof can be put on remotely.  We’re working remotely at the accounting practice.  But at a roofing company?  I don’t think so.  I think you actually have to be there to put on a new roof.


Reading on, though, this might actually make sense.  They promise to do the roof inspection with a drone and smart phone.  The transaction can be done remotely; no face-to-face meetings required.  And we can pay with a credit card over the phone.  No touching.  It could work!  They never actually say a crew of roofers won’t show up to do the work on-site.


The process might need to be clarified with the roofing company, but this might not be a spoof.  It might be a clever approach from a local roofing company, trying to survive a difficult time.



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