Rifle Gap State Park

Cool nights in Glenwood Canyon; in the fifties. Big swing into the eighties, maybe even touching ninety before the afternoon cool-down. Turned the heater on for a few minutes this morning to take the chill off. Haven’t done that in about six months.
West on Interstate 70. Rifle Gap State Park.
That’s the Gap in the middle, across the lake. It’s a gap in a very long ridgeline. No phone. Our internet is supposed to work from anywhere, but it’s borderline too (It may need some work again. We’ve had thunderstorms each night. The horn, the part that receives the signal, is a sealed unit. If the horn gets moisture in it the internet stops working. Once before, a few years ago, the horn got moisture in it and had to be replaced. I went on the roof today and looked at the horn to see if it had any moisture (you can look in through the transparent lens). I couldn’t see any. I did see about a quarter inch of salt lying in the bottom of it though. I’m guessing that the horn is no longer a sealed unit and the salt is the result of our winter life on the beach.)1,490 miles from Port A.

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