Standing at the jetty. A hundred black skimmers, barely above the surface, making the morning flight out the channel. Northern gannets circling way out in the distance; bodies and wings just flashing white. Wingtips black. The skimmers will fly along the surface, snagging their food. The gannets circle high and dive like arrows fired from the sky for theirs. Engaging, but we’ve been here for months. Time to move. We need some work done on the internet dish, and that takes a specialist. The dish will still go up and down and point at the satellite for the internet, but it is also supposed to send down television signals. The television signals have ceased. We can watch TV on the Park cable, but that’s so primitive. No DVR. Can’t even pause it. We’re headed for Houston. The KOA Houston North in Conroe, Texas. The Motosat repair guy will meet us there. This is the same guy we used in 2007 for a fix. He’s good. We’ll stay a few extra days for a look around while we’re there. We’ll be in different habitat from the coast. Maybe we’ll pick up a different bird. There is a rare woodpecker there. One we don’t have on the life-list yet…. Tomorrow, travel day.