Sabal Palm Sanctuary

  It’s still in the U.S.  It’s on this side of the Rio Grande, but it’s on the other side of the border fence. The border fence doesn’t always follow the border.  It’s always on this side of the Rio Grande, but as the river winds, sometimes the fence just goes straight across, cutting off large segments of land.  Gaps are left in the fence (and monitored by the border patrol) so people that need to get through, can. Sometimes farmers and ranchers have to get to their land.  In this case, a whole wildlife sanctuary was left on the other side of the fence. Sabal Palm Grove Sanctuary has the most tropical feel of all the places we go.  Coincidentally, it’s the farthest south as well. It’s got birds, of course, like Gray Catbird, Northern Cardinal, White-tipped Dove, and Olive Sparrow.    Remember the old abandoned mansion pictures I sent out a few years ago?  Well, the refuge has taken possession of it and refurbished it as their new visitor’s center now.   Nicely done. 

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