We’re traveling against the flow of the sun. At this pace we lose about a quarter of an hour of daylight each day. Today we crossed back into Central Time though, so the clocks leapt ahead an hour. Let’s see, how many clocks do we have to adjust? The one in our digital display on the dash, the dash radio, the indoor outdoor thermometer, the microwave, two laptop computers, three iPads, the alarm clock, the two smart phones adjust automatically, the coffeemaker, the clock in the Jeep, and every clock at the house (and in the Mazda) when we get back. I should probably keep a checklist. We always miss a few. Drove on Interstate 10 yesterday and again today (and we’ll do it again tomorrow). Stopped for the night at Balmorhea State Park in West Texas. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205131835882428706345.0004eac8c9eefa867949b&msa=0&ll=36.421282,-102.392578&spn=13.070765,26.784668 We’re a little west of Fort Stockton. Never been here before. Small campground. Small State Park. Nice enough though. The primary attraction is a big spring-fed swimming pool. Natural water. It has fish, turtles, and ducks in it. Almost-warm days at about 50 degrees. Cool nights. The humidity is up to 30 percent. We’ll continue southeast.