They cut a roughly round hole of skin out of my nose to remove the skin cancer; the basal cell carcinoma. Then, for the skin graft, they cut a slice of skin from just in front of my ear, cut a roughly round plug of skin out of that, and used it to fill the hole they made in my nose. As the hole in my nose healed, the skin graft didn’t “take”. The new skin didn’t connect with the old skin and become part of my face. What the skin graft did do, is function as a scaffold, holding everything in place while new skin grew up from underneath.
I skipped sending the gruesome intermediate photos and descriptions, but overall, it did seem like a big deal. There is still some healing going on inside, but the external result: some scars and stitch marks, but a face essentially still intact.
Same process for Judy. Same result.
I skipped sending the gruesome intermediate photos and descriptions, but overall, it did seem like a big deal. There is still some healing going on inside, but the external result: some scars and stitch marks, but a face essentially still intact.