My flaw is impatience. Standing in line is my nemesis. I understand that sometimes you have to wait your turn. I get that. Waiting in lines that don’t need to be like they are though, make me crazy. As a business person, I’ve always felt that being on time was a professional courtesy and a sign of respect. If someone is five or ten minutes late to a meeting, they’ve already lost me. If the doctor can’t see me until 11:00, don’t make my appointment for 10:00. Make it for 11:00. I’ll be on time! Waiting in a medical office just makes me crazy. I know what the process is here; they stack up the waiting room with people, then call back a constant stream of patients as they’re ready for them. It’s the most efficient way for the doctor. I’m good for the first fifteen or twenty minutes of waiting, but by half an hour into it, I’m feeling offended and disrespected. I get all up in my head, and by 45 minutes I’m furious and storm out. So far as I can tell, that doesn’t accomplish anything positive. I’m still left with the condition that drew me there in the first place. Now I (we) have to try again with same doctor, or change doctors and start all over. It’s not the smartest thing I do.