We crossed over to Canada. The border was no big deal. Plenty of room for the rig. The crossing might have taken 15 minutes; 5 minutes of that devoted to us. The border agent was skeptical; we didn’t declare any guns. He asked if we had any. We said no. He asked how many we had at home. Maybe our story didn’t fit with the Texas plates. He never asked about food or dog records. He just wanted to know about guns and drugs. We squeezed through the toll booth for the bridge, but just barely. I had maybe two inches on each side of my outside mirrors. The toll booth doesn’t seem to be configured for us. Well, anyway it was fun to drive the bus 100 once we got over the bridge. We’re at the Niagara Falls, Ontario, KOA for a couple nights. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201563872774147443355.0004e02f0c80f1461c0bf&msa=0&ll=42.964463,-76.937256&spn=5.426063,13.392334 We got to the falls at dusk.
Then they turned the lights on.
The lights were on the land up behind us. They look like this.
Then they turned the falls red.
A long walk along the river watching the falls; our evening’s entertainment.