Sunday July, 16,

A drive down the Seward Highway; cool and misty just like it’s supposed to be in Alaska.

We finished up tucked into a corner of a nice little RV park in Soldotna.

Saw a sign for Kalifornsky Beach.  Who could get this close and not go to Kalifornsky Beach?

Not us.  There wasn’t much to see there though.  It turns out Kalifornsky Beach is just a residential area with lots of driveways to peoples houses, but nothing to see from the road.

There is a lot of salmon fishing going on back at the Kenai River.

A lot of catching too.

We’ve been looking for moose.  We’ve seen a few, but we’ve seen a lot more “watch for moose” signs than we’ve seen moose.  Today, things are looking up though.  We ran into this sign.

The sign seemed strangely familiar, almost like I’d seen it before.

No matter.  Off we went in search of the angry moose, and wouldn’t you know, we couldn’t find her anywhere!  We’ve seen a few moose this trip, but not enough yet.

The Great 2019 Alaska Trip map

The Alaska portion of the trip

4,482 miles to Sandpipers.

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