The birds


I can find 9 birds remaining in the state, that we have a good chance of seeing, and still need for the year.  We need 2 to get to the target count of 400.


Wood Stork and Bullock’s Oriole.  They’re both the same direction.  The oriole is being seen at Choke Canyon State Park, only 160 miles north of here.  The Wood Stork is at Wright Ranch Pond, 125 miles away, but almost on the way back.  That would do it.  Or there are two sparrows, Botteri’s and Cassin’s, we might be able to get that are only 65 miles from here at Palo Alto National Battlefield.  That’s an easy day-trip.  Maybe we should try them first.  There is also a single parrot at 70 miles, Oliveira Park in Brownsville.  Another day-trip.  Lots of chances… 


Mississippi Kite and Zone-tailed Hawk.  They’re a little harder to pin down.  They’re being seen, but rarely in the same place twice.  Barn owl and Burrowing owl.  Owls are a little harder to get.  Neither one of them seem to be anywhere close to us right now.  It might take a trip back to Lubbock unless I want to wait until they come back farther south in the winter.



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