The contractions started in the wee hours.

 …of Saturday night/Sunday morning.  Judy and I went on with our day.  Matt and Lindsay went to the hospital.  By evening, we were at Becky and Brian’s having pizza watching the big Sunday night Broncos/Chief’s game. The Hospital admitted Lindsay and put her in a Labor/Birthing room.  When Matt called and said it was time, Becky and Brian babysat Annie and Henry for us while Judy and I packed up and made the 1 hour trip south to Matt’s house.  We listened to the game on Sirius XM.  At Matt’s house, we relieved Lindsay’s dad Steve of kid-sitting (and Golden Retriever sitting) duties and he and Judy headed off for the hospital.  (Lindsay’s mom Lori and Lindsay’s sister Kelly were already there.) I stayed at Matt’s with the kids and dogs (and the Bronco game).  Steve and Judy listened to it in the car on their way to the hospital.  When they got there, they found everyone in the labor/birthing room with the television tuned to the game.  Go Broncos!  (…and Lindsay). It was a long night for everyone, but at 6:45 Monday morning we all welcomed Arie Paige into the world.  (I was there by speakerphone on Judy’s Android.)  I put the dogs away, packed up the kids, and took them to the hospital to join in the celebration.       The Nursery Nurse was so good with the kids.  They got to take turns holding baby Arie and help give her her first bath. All is well.  Everyone is resting.  Judy and I are back in Longmont. 

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