The football pool


I did a lot better this week.  I got 9 out of 14 games right.  I only lost to Matt by 3!  Judy didn’t do quite as well.  She lost by 6.


We’re back home in the Valley today.


We don’t really want to convert a semi-truck to an RV.  But if they can build an electric semi-truck, surely they can build a bus.  That’s what we want.  A bus chassis is perfect to convert to an RV.  They’ve already done all the hard work.  All we would have to do is take out all the seats and build a house inside instead!


But thinking about electric cars, I realize a serious shortcoming.  Sitting at an intersection

Waiting for the light to change.  Idling.  Cars roaring by as they turn left across our bow.  Noise.  Fumes.  Imagining the clarity that would ensue if all these cars were electric.  Suddenly I realize how unfair it would be to the teenagers of the world.  What about their rite of passage?  A hot car.  Even if it’s not really a hot car, but you had done something to soup it up.  Loud exhaust.  You gun the engine.  Heads turn.  You floor it around the corner and with the roar of the engine, get a screech of tires.  The teenage rite of passage.  Who could take that away?


No.  There would have to be an exemption.  Even when internal combustion engines make no sense at all, there would have to be an exemption for teenagers.  They could have gasoline cars and make their statement.  Wouldn’t want a generation of lost boys…


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