Judy now has a new knee. When they take the joint apart, they don’t really cut off the bones on either side of the joint. It’s more a matter of taking out the old joint, then recontouring the bone ends to fit the prosthetic knee. They only take off a few millimeters of bone. The new knee joints are produced in multiple sizes and are modular, so the different parts plug together to be just right for each patient. The vendor is present during every surgery to make sure every aspect of the joint works just as it should. It only took two hours in the operating room and just one hour of that was the actual knee replacement by the orthopedic surgeon.
Within two hours of surgery, and while she was still waking up from the anesthetic, physical therapy was in and Judy was up and walking around.
This afternoon she did her second walk of the day, circumnavigating the entire floor, and practiced going up and down steps. When we got back to the room, the PT announced that she had just done the entire sequence of Day 2 expectations on Day 0. That was cool.
She’s not past the pain yet. That will take a little longer.
Meanwhile, our domain.
A most promising Day 0.