There is a change a coming

After all these days of a hundred degrees and sunny, an area of low pressure that will affect us is developing in the southern Gulf of Mexico next to the Yucatan Peninsula.

Now we have our first cone of uncertainty of the year. 

This disturbance is projected to strengthen into a tropical depression or even a tropical storm in the next couple of days.  The center is expected to make landfall in Mexico, but here in South Texas, we’re on the dirty side of the circulation.  We’ll get most of the moisture.  We’re told to expect five inches of rain, plus or minus.  Some places might get a foot.  It doesn’t look like something we need to leave town to escape.  We’ll sit here and see if our intermittent Lake Sandpipers reappears…  The park has installed a pump system to drain our flooding into a nearby ditch.  Even if the field out in front of us is overwhelmed, it should dry out much faster now.

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