There is a word for missing a bird

 It’s called dipping.  There was a tropical parula in the Valley before we leftWe went to see it, but missed.  We dipped. We came to Houston for better chances at more birds.  We looked for the Sabine’s gull at the Kemah Boardwalk, but missed it.  Now it hasn’t been seen for five days, so we were just a little late.  We went for the red-vented bulbul.  Now *it* hasn’t been reported for four days.  No greater pewee or rusty blackbird at Bear Creek Park.  But wait.  A great black-backed gull the other direction on the Dike Road outside Texas City.  Dip. December 2017 Trip Map We saw a lot of birds, but no new ones.  The weather is cold here.  Time to go home. 474 Seems like a pretty good count for the year. 

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