Walking in the woods

 A calm day; bugs bugging me; I got this great idea.  If I have to stop and spray bug spray, good chance I’m outside and should have some sunscreen on too.  Why not just put them in the same can?  Bug spray sunscreen.  Brilliant! A simple google search when I got home revealed I wasn’t the first one to think of that.  Not only did I not think of it first, it’s not that good an idea because they have different application schedules.  Sunscreen should be reapplied every couple hours.  Bug spray should only be used as much as necessary, but not more, in an effort to minimize exposure to DEET.  Oh well, I do what I can to minimize my exposure to either anyway.  I accept a few bug bites as the price for a good walk in the wilderness.  I don’t spend hours in the sun just to be in the sun (like I did when I was a kid), and I always wear a hat. So much for my bug spray sunscreen idea.  I wasn’t really going to use it anyway. 

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