We’re in Ohio. The last state of the 48!
A full map! We’re just hanging out here, admiring the map, at Mosquito Lake State Park. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201563872774147443355.0004e02f0c80f1461c0bf&msa=0&ll=42.964463,-76.937256&spn=5.426063,13.392334 It’s nice (and not very mosquitoey).
The view doesn’t suck.
Midweek so it’s not very busy. Got here early, did some work that needed doing, had a walk, started the Ohio bird list. Wood ducks. Fireflies at dusk. Tomorrow…. Canada. We’ve got our passports at the ready and we’re prepared for the border search. We’re crossing at Buffalo and stopping at Niagara Falls. We mean to stay in touch while we’re out of the country. We’ve been warned that we can’t use U.S. minutes or data there so we’ve arranged for some Canadian minutes and data from Verizon. Don’t know what the difference is. Maybe the Canadian ones are metric…