Pogo. The war on drugs. A trillion dollars. Has it eliminated, or even reduced, drug use in our country? I don’t think so. The war on immingration. Has it reduced the number of illegals crossing our borders to work? Yeah. Probably. But is that a good thing? Is that what we really want? In each of these cases, it’s not people forcing anything on us, it’s people supplying what we demand. It’s not the mean (and they *are* mean) drug cartels forcing us to use drugs. They’re responding to our demand for them. Is it the bad Mexicans and South Americans forcing us to employ them? No. They’re responding to our demand for low-wage workers. What’s the common denominator? Us! We’re the ones creating the demand. We can’t solve an economic problem by focusing all our attention on the suppliers. We need to look to the source of the demand. What the next logical step then? Go after the ones causing the problem. Withdraw from the war on drugs and the war on immigrants. It’s time for a war on us!