…the BBQ screen with a six hour slow cook of Kansas City style burnt ends. Burnt ends start with a brisket. Brisket has two parts, the flat and the point. The flat is the better, leaner portion. We had the butcher cut that away and sell us the point. Put a rub on the meat. Close the lid. Cook with indirect heat (about 275 degrees) for three hours. Presoak some hickory chips in water and sprinkle on the heated side of the grill periodically. Over heat this low there is not much smoke from the chips, but there is still an aroma released.
…after three hours the point looks like this.
Wrap in foil, pour some BBQ sauce over it, and cook for another two.
…until it looks like this.
Remove from heat. Take it inside and cut it into 1” cubes, add a little more sauce, and cook uncovered for another hour; until the beef cubes get a little burned and crusty on the outside. …like this.
…and serve.
A breezy blustery day outside (which is a good thing when the temperature is in the 90s). The windscreen performed brilliantly. Grill temp set as low as it will go on one burner, the other side off completely. It slow-cooked all day without getting blown out. The screen did just what it was supposed to do.