2014 summer/fall trip map …to Boulder County Fairgrounds. There is a funny thing about campgrounds near big cities (like Denver). They clear out on Friday mornings. It’s a pattern we recognize for any state parks near big cities. It’s not that people are tired of being at State parks on Fridays; it’s about how the reservation system works. A certain amount of time in advance, commonly six months, reservations open up. Local people who can plan out their summers ahead of time reserve the weekends. The weekends sell out fast. All the rest of the week is wide open for long distance travelers like Judy and me that don’t want to plan that specifically that far in advance. We have to plan way ahead of time and get our reservations in, or stay here during the week and find other accommodations on the weekends. So many of the big rigs and fifth-wheels pull out on Fridays and a whole bunch of tents, bumper-pulls, and tent trailers set up for Friday and Saturday, leaving Sunday. We had reservations well ahead of time for the month of September. Extending our stay into October, we didn’t have advance reservations for the weekend. We’re glad the fairgrounds are here. We got the last hookup spot. Today’s birds: Wilson’s Snipe and Bufflehead duck. Today’s bugs: Praying Mantis and Leaf Bug.