

The internet signal evaporated.


Hiked into Boquillas Canyon.


Just a little climb to start, but the rest of the trail was easy.





Under the supervision of a Yellow-breasted Chat.


Had it all to myself.  Except for Raul.


He was there tending the tourists trinkets the residents of Boquillas del Carmen across the river leave out.  The border is closed here, but no problem.  He rides his horse across the ankle-deep river crossing and no-one hassles him.


Target birds, 0.  I just hiked up to the canyon because I wanted to.


Big Bend


Spent the rest of the morning in the vicinity of Rio Grande Village.


Got the Scott’s Oriole.  Went back to the Sam Nail Ranch in the afternoon where I got the Plumbeous Warbler after all, and got a good look at the Varied Bunting too.


393 Birds.  Progress.


Tomorrow.  Off at first light to hike the Laguna Meadow trail.


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