You just never know

  Given my heart history, I have to remain constantly aware of my energy level.  That’s my early indicator of redeveloping heart issues.  If my capacity starts a steady decline, that means it’s time for another visit to the Cath Lab to open up the blood flow to my heart again.  We expect it to happen; we just don’t know when.   We’re watching for patterns.  A change in energy for one day is not a big deal.  A decline over time is.  For the last couple weeks, walks were getting tougher and slower.  Clearly, something was going on.  I was almost ready to trigger the cardiology visit and change our schedule to accommodate hospitalization and recuperation, when a coincidence struck me.  For the last few weeks I’ve been eating oatmeal again after a several-year hiatus.  I love oatmeal.  I don’t remember why I stopped eating it in the first place.   But the onset of my energy decline coincided with my resumption of daily oatmeal.  I eliminated the oatmeal from my diet.  I feel great again.   You just never know.    

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